Developing in C for the ATmega328: Hints on Using Bloom and avr-gdb
Where I provide hints on using avr-gdb and bloom to debug code on the ATmega328P.
Developing in C for the ATmega328: Examples of Bloom with gdb to Debug
Where I show some examples as to how to use Bloom and avr-gdb to debug code on the ATmega328P.
Developing in C for the ATmega328: Setup Bloom and gdb for Hardware Debug
Where I illustrate how to setup using avr-gdb to debug code on the ATmega328P and replacing avarice with Bloom and the Atmel Dragon with the Microchip Snap.
Hardware Debug: Using gdb to Debug
Where I illustrate debugging code for the ATmega328P using the Atmel Dragon, avr-gdb and avarice.
Developing in C for the ATmega328P: Using Windows, Advanced
Where I setup the advanced, Standard C tool chain (avr-gcc) for the ATmega328P on Windows.
Developing in C for the ATmega328: Multitasking
Where I illustrate developing multitasking code for the ATmega328P using a new Standard C framework.
Developing in C for the ATmega328: Using the Standard C Framework
Where I illustrate developing code for the ATmega328P using the new Standard C framework.
DEPRECATED: Developing in C for the ATmega328P: Windows Setup Using WSL1
DEPRECATED: Due to Microsoft’s inability to enable serial ports in WSL 2, attempting to perform embedded development in WSL is futile.
Developing in C for the ATmega328P: macOS Setup
Where I setup the Standard C toolchain (avr-gcc) for the ATmega328P on macOS using homebrew.
Developing in C for the ATmega328P: Linux Setup
Where I setup the Standard C toolchain for the ATmega328P for Linux, with specific emphasis on the Raspberry Pi.
Developing in C for the ATmega328P: Setup Introduction
Updated: Where I describe the optional steps to setup the Standard C toolchain for the ATmega328P on Windows, Linux, or macOS using a command line-based approach.
Developing in C for the ATmega328: A Simple Project
Where I use an example project from avr-gcc to better understand how to program the ATmega328.
AVR Datasheet Note: analogWrite()
Where I take the next step in developing PWM code in C for the ATmega328.
AVR Datasheet Note: PWM
Where I take the next step in developing code in C for the ATmega328.
AVR Datasheet Note: Blink
Where I use a detailed analysis of the ATmega328P datasheet to develop C code using the C toolchain.
Developing in C for the ATmega328P: Introduction
Where I begin the process of developing in Standard C (and only C) on the Arduino Uno (also known as the ATmega328P).
Why Forth?
As I got back into Forth after about 35 years of other languages, programs and technical stuff, I’ve been asked, Why Forth?
Developing in C on the AVR ATmega328P
Introduction While the Arduino tool set, (both the Arduino IDE and Arduino software framework) are outstanding for quickly developing a working prototype, they do so with a combination of a graphical-user-interface (GUI), the C++ language and Arduino-only classes.