Mecrisp-Stellaris Forth: Dictionary 0

5 minute read

Where I keep my dictionary 0 with all of the basic Forth definitions.


It helps to have the complete dictionary for Mecrisp-Stellaris Forth, this is dictionary 0 which has my most basic definitions. I load this before I start doing any work in Forth on the RP2040.

\ main dictionary for words which have been debugged
: words4 ( -- ) cr  \ A columnar Word list printer. Width = 20 characters, handles overlength Words neatly 
   0				    \ column counter
	 dup 6 + dup
	 ctype			    \ dup before 6 is for dictionarynext input
	 count nip		    \ get number of characters in the word and drop the address of the word
	     20 swap - dup 0 > if   \ if Word is less than 20 chars
		   spaces swap	    \ pad with spaces to equal 20 chars
		   else drop cr	    \ issue immediate carriage return and drop negative number
		   nip -1	    \ and reset to column -1
		      dup 3 = if 3 - cr \ if at 4th column, zero column counter			   
		      else 1 +
	 dictionarynext		    \ 	( a-addr - - a-addr flag )

: freememory ( -- )
	compiletoflash unused ." FLASH: " .
	compiletoram unused ." RAM: " .

\ xterm colors 256!
: esc 27 emit ;
: black      ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;0m" ;
: red        ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;9m" ;
: green      ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;2m" ;
: purple     ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;93m" ;
: blue       ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;12m" ;
: magenta    ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;127m" ;
: cyan       ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;51m" ;
: white      ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;15m" ;
: grey       ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;8m" ;
: fuchsia    ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;13m" ;
: green3     ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;34m" ;
: lime       ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;10m" ;
: navy       ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;4m" ;
: darkorange ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;208m" ;
: grey62     ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;247m" ;
: grey82     ( -- cursor colour )  esc ." [38;5;252m" ;

: test_black      black      ." BLACK black " black ;
: test_red        red        ." RED red " black ;
: test_green      green      ." GREEN green " black ;
: test_purple     purple     ." PURPLE purple " black ;
: test_blue       blue       ." BLUE blue " black ;
: test_magenta    magenta    ." MAGENTA magenta " black ;
: test_cyan       cyan       ." CYAN cyan" black ;
: test_white      white      ." WHITE white " black ;
: test_grey       grey       ." GREY grey " black ;
: test_fuchsia    fuchsia    ." FUCHSIA fuchsia " black ;
: test_green3     green3     ." GREEN3 green3 " black ;
: test_lime       lime       ." LIME lime " black ;
: test_navy       navy       ." NAVY navy " black ;
: test_darkorange darkorange ." DARKORANGE darkorange " black ;
: test_grey62     grey62     ." GREY62 grey62 " black ;
: test_grey82     grey82     ." GREY82 grey82 " black ;

: colors 
        cr test_black cr test_grey cr test_grey62 cr test_grey82 
        cr test_white cr test_red cr test_darkorange cr test_lime
        cr test_green3 cr test_green cr test_cyan cr test_blue
        cr test_navy cr test_magenta cr test_fuchsia cr test_purple

: bp blue cr . .s cr black ;

$40014000 			constant IO_BANK0_GPIO0_STATUS \ GPIO status
$40014004 			constant IO_BANK0_GPIO0_CTRL \ GPIO control including function select and overrides.
$d0000000 			constant SIO_BASE

#5 			    constant SIO 				\ SIO (F5) DS_p258
SIO_BASE $004 + constant GPIO_IN       \ Input value for GPIO
SIO_BASE $010 + constant GPIO_OUT      \ GPIO output value
SIO_BASE $014 + constant GPIO_OUT_SET  \ GPIO output value set
SIO_BASE $018 + constant GPIO_OUT_CLR  \ GPIO output value clear
SIO_BASE $01c + constant GPIO_OUT_XOR  \ GPIO output value XOR
SIO_BASE $020 + constant GPIO_OE       \ GPIO output enable
SIO_BASE $024 + constant GPIO_OE_SET   \ GPIO output enable set
SIO_BASE $028 + constant GPIO_OE_CLR   \ GPIO output enable clear
SIO_BASE $02c + constant GPIO_OE_XOR   \ GPIO output enable XOR

\ Feather RP2040 localization
#13					constant GP13
GP13      			constant LED
#2						constant minGPIO
#29					constant maxGPIO
#0						constant minTest
#3						constant maxTest
#8						constant padsize

: GPIO_ctrl ( GPIO -- ) \ get the address for the specific GPIO ctrl register

\ print values of the GPIO_CTRL registers of all GPIO pins
: .CTRL ( -- ) \ print CTRL values of all GPIO pins
	30 0 CR DO 
	I GPIO_ctrl @
	I . . CR

: one_sec ( -- ) 		\ one sec ( -- )ond delay
	1000 ms

: half_sec ( -- )		\ half sec ( -- )ond delay
	500 ms

: qtr_sec ( -- )		\ quarter sec ( -- )ond delay
	250 ms

: tenth_sec ( -- )		\ tenth sec ( -- )ond delay
	100 ms

: GPIO_F5 ( GPIO -- )		\ ensure GPIO is in F5
	dup GPIO_ctrl 
	@ %11111 and
	5 = if drop else ." Not F5! " 5 swap GPIO_ctrl ! then

: GPIO_OUT ( GPIO -- )	\ set GPIO to output, uses atomic set
	1 swap lshift GPIO_OE_SET !

: tog_GPIO ( GPIO -- )	
	1 swap lshift GPIO_OUT_XOR !

: high_GPIO ( GPIO -- )	
	1 swap lshift GPIO_OUT_SET !

: low_GPIO ( GPIO -- )	
	1 swap lshift GPIO_OUT_CLR !

: blink_GPIO ( GPIO -- ) 
	dup GPIO_F5
	dup GPIO_OUT 
	    dup tog_GPIO
	    tenth_sec ( -- )
	  key? until drop

: ms_blink_GPIO ( n GPIO -- ) \ blink GPIO every n milliseconds, until key
	dup GPIO_F5
	dup GPIO_OUT 
	    dup tog_GPIO
	    swap dup ms swap
	  key? until drop drop

: us_blink_GPIO ( n GPIO -- ) \ blink GPIO every n microseconds, infinite
	dup GPIO_F5
	dup GPIO_OUT 
	    dup tog_GPIO
	    swap dup us swap
	  again drop drop

padsize buffer: pad
: .pad 
	padsize 0 do 
   pad I + c@ hex .

: erase_pad 
	padsize 0 do 
   0 pad I + c! 

: endofDict0 ;
0 save#

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